Sidney Lawn Bowling Club

Established in 1998 with a small group of people has grown to be one of the  friendliest clubs on Vancouver Island.  Our full facility club house and bowling green is located across the street from Tulista Park in Sidney, BC Canada. 

Lawn bowling is an inclusive sport.  Anyone and everyone can play. We have members as young 12 and as young-at-heart as 94.  If you are looking for a social activity, a little exercise, a fun game or a competitive arena,  lawn bowling has something for everyone.  One of the most common comments you will hear about Lawn Bowling is,  “I wish I had taken this up years ago”.The outdoor bowling season runs from the beginning of May to the end of September.  In the winter we have indoor carpet bowling, cards, darts and Mahjong.  And through out the year we have BBQ’s, dinners and number of social activities.

Like to see what it’s all about?  We have experienced coaches who are here to help new bowlers learn the game. You are most welcome to drop by and give it try.  All you need is a pair of flat soled shoes.  Training is free.  Membership fees are very reasonable. The club is run by a dedicated group of volunteers and we welcome all new members and visitors to participate in the game.  If you would like more information on membership please click here. Join us.  Your only regret will be that you didn’t do it sooner.

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